LELAM-TVET4INCOME Project Steering Committee held its First Meeting

On July 4-5, 2017 the Steering Committee of the LELAM-TVET4INCOME research project held its first meeting at ETH Zurich. Through this meeting, the research activities of the three to six year project were definitively launched.

by Jutta Bürgi
Enlarged view: Team Photo from the first Steering Committee Meeting

ETH Zurich, the higher education institution that is home to the project's lead institution KOF Swiss Economic Institute, was the meeting place for the first official get together of the LELAM-TVET4INCOME Project Steering Committee. This meeting was held from July 4 to 5, 2017. It served as the definitive launch of the research activities of the project, as all its important aspects were discussed and agreed on during these two days.

The project aims to understand how policy makers in low- and middle-income countries can improve the youth labour-market situation by strengthening social institutions and their interdependence with formal, non-formal and informal TVET. This represents a crucial dimension of the TVET system, as these social institutions govern the involved actors, their roles, and their relationships with each other. Hence, this project aims to analyse the conditions under which TVET improves gainful employment and job quality and thereby improves the income of youth.

To be able to address all aspects of the underlying complex of research questions, the project relies on an interdisciplinary aproach and a matrix organizational structure, in which each Principal Investigator (PI) oversees part of the research and knowledge-transfer activites. This implies a high level of responsibility for all PIs, not just for the overall Coordinator, Dr. Ursula Renold from KOF.

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